Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
As a coach, athlete, and writer, Chuck has been immersed in strength training and the art and science of physical transformation for over thirty years. Though not particularly gifted athletically, he persisted and eventually totaled Elite in the 198- and 220-pound weight classes in powerlifting competitions.
A common theme across many sports is that truly elite athletes—visual learners who naturally mimic complex athletic skills on an intuitive, nonverbal level—don’t often make the best coaches because they’re unable to explain what they do. In grappling with a chronic medical condition, serious injuries, and average genetics, Chuck developed a clear understanding of the requirements of progress for people who may have hurdles to overcome.
His minimalistic approach emphasizes effort and consistency over long workouts and complex programming. If you’re interested in a deep dive, pick up a few back issues of HARDGAINER 2.0, where his monthly Vintage Strength Training column that will soon be published as a book covers abbreviated methodology in detail.
Strength training for beginners
Safe lifting form for different body types
Abbreviated programming for busy lifestyles
Returning from a layoff
Training in middle age and beyond
Training for competitive athletes
Powerlifting programming and meet prep